Structural Frame Design
Home framing can often be overlooked during the construction process. Yet, outside of the foundation, the framing is one of the most important components of your home. The quality of the framing is critical in ensuring that your structure performs as intended for many years to come.
What is Framing in Construction?
Framing is the backbone of your structure. It involves the design and proper layout of support materials such as wood, engineered beams, uplift/lateral connectors, or structural steel to form a rigid and safe skeleton around a residential home or commercial building.
The purpose is to ensure that your home is strong enough to support all the imposed loads acting on the roof, ceilings, floors, and walls. Engineered framing plans are typically drawn up during the early planning and development stage after the architectural design is completed. High quality framing is critical to the long-term safety and performance of any structure.
At Nortex Structural, we strive to solve difficult challenges and unexpected problems that may arise during the framing process as well as create high quality and efficient structural plans that ensure a durable, long-lasting, and safely performing structure. Our engineered framing plans ensure the contractor has a step-by-step guide to aid in the building process. This improves completion times, reduces material costs, and ensures the structure is being properly and safely constructed.

Forensic Framing Inspections and New Construction & Remodeling Design
Any time there’s construction of a new home or a home remodeling addition is being built onto an existing property, new framing is going to be required. Additionally, we can help if there’s been any fire damage, severe storm damage, or wood rot and decay due to poor drainage.
If you have concerns with your home, home addition, or outdoor patio or other detached structures, you need an experienced licensed structural engineering firm to assist in the inspection process. That’s where we come in. At Nortex Structural, we have years of structural engineering experience and can help guide you through the often difficult construction or repair/remodeling process.
Structural Steel Framing
Nortex Structural has an extensive background in structural steel frame design and construction. If you are interested in designing a steel building, we can help! Nortex Structural can provide a custom footprint design that fits your needs and exact specifications. Alternatively, if you have already constructed a steel frame, we can perform a forensic inspection/analysis and provide repair plans as required to satisfy city permit requirements.

Choose Nortex Structural for Your Next Framing Design Project
If you’re looking to build a new wood framed structure or steel building and need structural framing plans, you should choose our expert structural engineers. Often the cost of engineered plans is easily offset by the reduction in construction materials waste and associated labor costs. Engineered plans also protect against the red tape of city permitting.